About Purpose & Vision University

Bible Videos Made to Be Used by Translators into Any Language on Earth

Purpose & Vision University is a program of the churches of Christ in the United States, focused on producing quality Biblical teaching through video to aid in evangelism, edification of the church, and the training of preachers in foreign mission fields. 

As you may already know, there are many challenges to reaching the lost and growing evangelistic efforts in other countries. It is our goal to overcome some of these obstacles by the work we are doing at P&V University. 

Challenge #1: Language Barrier.

One of the first questions a missionary is often asked as he discusses his work is, “Do you speak the language?” It is certainly a good idea to learn the language of the nation where one intends to preach the gospel. However, there are several countries, such as India, Tanzania, Ghana, Zimbabwe and Indonesia, where many languages are spoken. 

Thankfully, in a great portion of the world’s nations, English is understood and spoken by at least a small portion of the natives in those countries. Because of this, we are able to go to other countries and find those who can translate from English to the local language. So, Bible lessons spoken in English can be beneficial, essentially, anywhere.

However, in most nations gospel preachers and teachers are seldom professional translators. As a result, any teaching aid for them must be prepared in special ways to help their translation efforts be successful. All our work at P&V has these requirements in mind, as you will see when you browse these classes.

Challenge #2: Limited Presence. 

There are some mission fields where Americans are not permitted to live, only being allowed to stay a certain number of days of a calendar year. When COVID struck, this dilemma became a greater problem, as those missionaries were not able to travel at all for about 2 years. It was actually COVID that inspired this effort to provide translatable videos for Biblical instruction. It is a way of being there without actually being there. 

Limited presence is also a reality even in mission works where the American missionaries are permitted to live. A missionary is still limited to one place at a time. As the mission field expands geographically, it becomes increasingly difficult to be everywhere that an experienced and well-trained preacher needs to be to continue evangelism, to edify the congregations, and to train preachers continuously. However, through video instruction, we can be in multiple places at the same time, giving the same, very needed, instruction. 

Challenge #3: Lack of Resources. 

The objective for mission work is ultimately to be able to leave a location where the congregation is self-supported and self-governed. However, in many places, though they can eventually because autonomous, they are still very limited in resources available to them, including financially. 

Two-year preaching schools and universities among us, used in training preachers, are resources that many places do not have the luxury of having. Preachers are often bi-vocational and cannot afford, even with support, to take two years and be trained in preaching. So, these preachers rely upon receiving instruction and training whenever and wherever they can get it, often times only once a month. 

Resources, such as lexicons, dictionaries, commentaries, software programs, and even Bibles, are not in nearly as great of supply or availability to many places throughout the world as they are in the United States. For this reason, American preachers often do, and should, know the Scriptures more deeply and accurately than many places in the world. Through video instruction, we are able to present information that we are able to gain from a seemingly infinite pool of resources to whomever may be watching/listening to these lessons that are specifically tailored to reach those who speak in different languages. 

Purpose & Vision University seeks to overcome these challenges in foreign mission fields. We pray and hope that our efforts will aid in the gospel efforts throughout the world.